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How to uninstall SpyShelter

We make it super simple to uninstall SpyShelter.

Windows Uninstall

Manual Uninstall

To uninstall SpyShelter go to "Add or Remove Programs" in Windows Settings.

Go to the Windows Search box and type "add or remove" then click the result.

Now search for SpyShelter in the list of apps on your PC and choose "Uninstall".

SpyShelter as shown in add or remove programs for Windows PCs

Having trouble uninstalling SpyShelter? Please consider booting into Windows Safe Mode for your PC type, then go to "add or remove" programs to uninstall our software.

If you can't get into safe mode, you can also manually uninstall our software by deleting the following the instructions below:

Execute the following commands into the Command Prompt:

cd "C:\Program Files\SpyShelter\"
sps_service.exe --uninstall
sc stop SpyShelter
pnputil /delete-driver spyshelter.inf /uninstall
sc delete SpyShelter
We're sorry to see you go, and we hope you'll consider contacting us to tell us how we can improve in the future. If this is just a temporary uninstall, please remember you can download SpyShelter here again any time.

Windows Uninstall

SpyShelter as shown in add or remove programs for Windows PCs

To uninstall SpyShelter go to "Add or Remove Programs" in Windows Settings.

Go to the Windows Search box and type "add or remove" then click the result.

Now search for SpyShelter in the list of apps on your PC and choose "Uninstall".

Manual Uninstall

SpyShelter as shown in add or remove programs for Windows PCs

To uninstall SpyShelter go to "Add or Remove Programs" in Windows Settings.

Go to the Windows Search box and type "add or remove" then click the result.

Now search for SpyShelter in the list of apps on your PC and choose "Uninstall".

Have any questions?

Contact Spyshelter →

Contact SpyShelter in Austin, Texas USA by emailing our contact page, or post in our forum to talk with our team and other SpyShelter fans.

Jon Hundley is the current President of SpyShelter. He started working with Windows security applications over 10 years ago, where his first network security related application grew to over 40 million downloads. Mr. Hundley now focuses all his time and attention on the SpyShelter project. Email Jon by using the email address on our contact page.

Contact Spyshelter →

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